New Year Resolutions - our sweet peer-pressure

Why do we even make a list of resolutions when we know we are not going to achieve them anyhow. 

I know some of you are surely going to agree with me and the ones that don't, well i am proud of you. I, anyways am the former because i never passed by a month of following everything in the list. If i made it a month that itself was a great achievement for me and even that was some times listed("Have to make sure i follow the list for a month at least").

When i was thinking about resolutions, i thought let me check what google has to say about searches by people.

This proves my point, as my title says PEER PRESSURE. 
Do we really need to stress so much about making a resolution list that we need to ask google for it and we are somehow convinced that the shown answers are the ones we need to improve or change.

And yes i know some match like i need to eat more green.
But that is not what i mean, and you also know.If we need to look on google for the personalities or habits that we want to change that means we don't know ourselves well enough or we haven't rewind the last 365 days in our head properly to understand what do we need to change or improve to make ourselves better and make this world also a better place to live in.

Search engines help us so much no doubt there but sometimes we need to talk to ourselves.
I called making new year resolutions list a peer pressure because i always end up being asked:
*So, are you done making the list?
*Show me the list?
*Tell me, what all are you going to improve this year?
when December end comes in, i think okay people haven't asked me yet,great some change, nope there goes my crystal ball of hopes *shattered*.

Specially relatives and some awkward classmates or strangers trying to have small talk will surely ask you about your list.Do they really think i am going to reveal my embarrassing personal resolutions.I just personally straight up lie to them or whatever i see in front of me i list them out.
So my point here, is we hear these questions so many times that we run and find our pen and paper on 31st even though we have plans ahead, we push ourselves to the edge and write some sh*t down which i think we are hardly going to think about on 2nd of Jan because obviously not on 1st.
I have done this so many times and i am not the only person on this Earth.

Well if i am supposed to make a list now, lets see what comes to my mind quickly.

*Drinking enough water.
*Restart my yoga days.
My thinking hat"i am an Indian so i eat enough veggies so i don't think i should add this ".
*Stop procrastinating everything basically making art.
*Sleep less.
*Adventure more.
So, you can see where i am headed .

But this year i am not following the above traditional form.
This year i am going to do my changes and write them on the sheet and not the other way around.
Example drinking enough water Jan month done.
This way in the year end i have sheets of what all i finished doing and the ones i went  half way with and i would be able to check out my efforts and get to appreciate my work.
This way there is no pressure, if i see something new to do in the month of august,then i should start learning and doing it. If i stick to the list i made then may be sometimes i miss trying and following new things because it wasn't on the list or i saw it near to the year end.And definitely would say "next year i am starting to learn this not now, its year end, lets give a fresh start then".

Happy New Year everyone, wish you and your family all the happiness and health!!!
